Saturday, February 26, 2011

Simple Tips for Healthy Living for Software Engineers

Simple tips for healthy living for Software Engineers

This tips are specially for Software Engineers who usually sits for 8-10 hours a day in front of computers solving complex problems of world and have no time to take care of health. One can minimize ill effects of stress and stay healthy by following a few simple tips as below.

1. Get adequate sleep:

Remember that not getting enough sleep will do you harm in the long run. you will feel drowsy during the day, unable to concentrate on simple tasks and feel irritable. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep every day. Avoid keeping Televisions, Computer and gadgets in your bedroom, don’t eat large meals before bedtime, follow regular bedtimes and wake times. Ensure your bedroom is quite and relaxing.

2. Drink Hot Water:

While it may take a little while to get used to having hot water; it will greatly benefit you. It purifies your body and helps remove unwanted properties as well. Your digestive system will work smoothly and also clear out your skin.

3. Spend lesser time on Social Networking Sites:

Researchers say that an increasingly high number of people prefer to spend time surfing the internet and spending time on social networking sites instead of pursuing a hobby. Ask yourself how much time you spend on networking sites every week and whether it is worth it. Opt for a hobby, which will give you a chance to enjoy, learn something new and meet new people.

4. Exercise:

You don’t need to pump iron six days a week in a gym to stay in shape. A brisk walk for 30 minutes every day in your neighborhood will do you a whole lot of good. Do a few simple stretches and exercises every alternate day at home or alternatively start doing yoga and meditation. Walking, cycling, swimming or even dancing are great stress busters and also keep you in shape.

5. Quit Smoking:

If you have finally made up your mind to kick this habit, it’s really good for your health. To quit successfully you need encouragement and support from your doctor, family, friends, and coworkers. A doctor will help you tailor an approach that suits you best.

6. Follow a healthy diet:

Try eating a whole grain sandwich before your big meal, eat smaller portions of high calorie dishes, ask yourself if you’re an emotional eater, and avoid reaching out for snacks while watching TV. Include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. If you're trying to loose weight, don't starve yourself.

7. Blink your eyes at regular interval:

Follow the 20-20-20 rule. After every 20 minutes of work, look 20 feet away from the computer screen and blink 20 times. Also lubricate your eyes at regular interval to avoid dryness of eyes. Use lubricating eye drops in both the eyes before every session on the computer. Consult your eye surgeon before using any eye drops.


  1. Nice Post ...Thanks a lot Tarak

  2. Its really informative....I am going to implement on this.

  3. Nice post about Simple Tips for Healthy Living for Software Engineers.......................

    Desi Health Tips
